Danny Haiphong Biography: Age, Wikipedia, Education, Career, Books, Journalism, YouTube, Wife, Family, Net Worth

Danny Haiphong biography

Danny Haiphong Biography

Danny Haiphong is an American political activist and writer from Boston, Massachusetts, who has gained recognition for his progressive views on foreign policy, racism, and economic injustice.

Haiphong co-authored the book “American Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People’s History of Fake News-From the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror,” unveiling the myths and falsehoods that uphold the U.S. empire. He is also a regular contributor to Black Agenda Report, an independent media outlet that challenges the mainstream narratives on African American politics and culture.

Haiphong also manages a popular YouTube channel, where he hosts regular streams and videos discussing the geopolitical shifts influencing the world today. He covers topics such as the Ukraine crisis, the China-U.S. rivalry, the Yemen war, and the role of Russia in the international arena. He often features guests such as Pepe Escobar, Scott Ritter, George Galloway, and Mark Sleboda, who provide insights and analysis on the global situation.

Danny Haiphong Age

Danny Haiphong is 36 years as of 2024.

Danny Haiphong Early Life and Education

Danny Haiphong was born in 1988 in Boston, Massachusetts, to a Vietnamese mother and a white American father. His parents met during the Vietnam War, when his father was a soldier and his mother was a refugee.


Haiphong developed an interest in politics and history at an early age, inspired by his mother’s stories of her homeland and her struggle for survival. He also learned about the legacy of the Black Panther Party, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., and other radical figures who challenged the status quo. He became aware of the contradictions and injustices of the U.S. system, and the role of the U.S. in oppressing people around the world.

Haiphong attended public schools in Boston, where he excelled academically and socially. He was involved in various extracurricular activities, such as debate, chess, and basketball. He also participated in student activism, organizing against the Iraq War, police brutality, and budget cuts. He graduated from high school in 2006, and received a scholarship to attend Boston University.

Haiphong majored in political science and sociology at Boston University, where he continued his activism and writing. He joined the International Socialist Organization, and became a regular contributor to Socialist Worker, a newspaper that covers labor, anti-war, and social justice issues.

He also wrote for The Daily Free Press, the independent student newspaper of Boston University. He graduated with honors in 2010, and decided to pursue a career in journalism and education.

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Danny Haiphong Career

Danny Haiphong Biography

Danny Haiphong began his career as a journalist and political analyst in 2011, when he started writing for Socialist Worker, a newspaper that covers labor, anti-war, and social justice issues. He also became a member of the International Socialist Organization, a revolutionary socialist group that organizes campaigns and protests against capitalism and imperialism.

In 2014, Haiphong joined Black Agenda Report, an independent media outlet that challenges the mainstream narratives on African American politics and culture. He became a weekly contributor, writing articles that expose the myths and lies of American exceptionalism and innocence, and the role of the U.S. in oppressing people around the world. He also co-hosts The Left Lens, a video podcast that features interviews and commentary on current events from a radical perspective.

In 2019, Haiphong collaborated with Roberto Sirvent to co-author the book “American Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People’s History of Fake News-From the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror.” The book is a critical examination of the historical and ideological foundations of the U.S. empire, and how they are used to justify wars, racism, and economic exploitation. The book received praise from scholars and activists such as Cornel West, Ajamu Baraka, Glen Ford, and Margaret Kimberley.

In 2020, Haiphong launched his own YouTube channel, where he hosts regular streams and videos on the geopolitical shifts shaping the world around us. He covers topics such as the Ukraine crisis, the China-U.S. rivalry, the Yemen war, and the role of Russia in the international arena. He often features guests such as Pepe Escobar, Scott Ritter, George Galloway, and Mark Sleboda, who provide insights and analysis on the global situation.


In 2021, Haiphong became a columnist for CGTN, a Chinese state-owned media network that offers a global perspective on news and issues. He writes op-eds that challenge the Western propaganda and misinformation on China and its relations with other countries. He also defends China’s right to sovereignty and development, and its efforts to promote peace and cooperation in the world.

In 2022, Haiphong started a Substack newsletter, where he shares his personal reflections and opinions on various topics, such as socialism, imperialism, culture, and sports. He also interacts with his subscribers and supporters, and offers exclusive content and benefits for his patrons. He also publishes his articles and videos on his website, dannyhaiphong.com.

In 2023, Haiphong released his second book, The Chronicles of Haiphong: A Geopolitical Journey Through the Empire’s Twilight, which is a collection of his essays and articles from the past decade.

Danny Haiphong Wife

Danny Haiphong is married to a woman named Linh, who is also a Vietnamese American and a socialist activist. They met in 2012, when they were both involved in the Occupy Boston movement.

Danny Haiphong Net Worth

Danny Haiphong has an estimated net worth of $2 million as of 2024.


Danny Haiphong YouTube Handle

  • @geopoliticshaiphong (Danny Haiphong) 

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