Khaled Hosseini Biography: Age, Wiki, Nationality, Education, Career, Wife, Family, Net Worth

Khaled Hosseini biography

Khaled Hosseini Biography

Khaled Hosseini is an Afghan-American novelist, best known for his books “The Kite Runner,” “A Thousand Splendid Suns,” and “And the Mountains Echoed.”

Born on March 4, 1965, in Kabul, Afghanistan, he later became a U.S. citizen. Hosseini’s works are notable for their vivid storytelling and deep connections to Afghan history and culture.

Before becoming a full-time writer, he also worked as a physician. Additionally, he is a UNHCR goodwill ambassador and has established The Khaled Hosseini Foundation to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan.

Khaled Hosseini Age

Khaled Hosseini is 59 years old as of 2024.

Khaled Hosseini Early Life and Education

Khaled Hosseini was Born on March 4, 1965, in the bustling city of Kabul, Afghanistan and he was the eldest of five children in a family where academia and diplomacy were the day’s work.


The political landscape of Afghanistan during Hosseini’s childhood was a prelude to the turmoil that would later engulf the country. In 1976, seeking to expand his diplomatic horizons, Hosseini’s father accepted a position in Paris. The family’s move to France marked the beginning of a significant cultural shift for young Khaled, exposing him to new ideas and experiences that would later permeate his writing.

However, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 altered the course of their lives. Unable to return home and caught in the throes of geopolitical upheaval, the Hosseini family sought asylum in the United States. Settling in California offered Khaled a safe haven and the chance to pursue his education in a stable environment.

Hosseini’s academic pursuits led him to Santa Clara University, where he studied biology, a field far removed from the literary arts. Yet, it was during these formative college years that the seeds of his future storytelling were sown.

Upon completing his bachelor’s degree, Hosseini’s path took a practical turn as he entered the University of California, San Diego, for medical school. His medical degree, earned in 1993, launched him into a career as an internist. Little did he know that his medical practice would serve as the backdrop for his early morning writing sessions, which eventually led to the creation of “The Kite Runner” and his subsequent full-time writing career.

Khaled Hosseini Career

Khaled Hosseini’s literary career journey as an author began while he was still practicing medicine, waking up at the crack of dawn to write before attending to his patients. This dedication bore fruit with the publication of his first novel, “The Kite Runner,” in 2003.


“The Kite Runner” was not just a commercial success; it was a cultural phenomenon that brought global attention to Afghanistan’s history and struggles. The story’s emotional depth and the authenticity of its Afghan setting captivated readers, establishing Hosseini as a significant new voice in literature.

Building on this momentum, Hosseini published “A Thousand Splendid Suns” in 2007. The novel, which explores the lives of two Afghan women, was praised for its poignant storytelling and rich character development. Like his first book, it became a bestseller and solidified Hosseini’s reputation as a writer who could weave complex human emotions with the tapestry of Afghan society.

In 2013, Hosseini released “And the Mountains Echoed,” a novel that spans generations and continents, exploring the many ways in which families nurture, wound, betray, honor, and sacrifice for one another. This book, too, was well-received and added another layer to Hosseini’s exploration of the themes of family and love.

Apart from his novels, Hosseini has also been a vocal advocate for refugees. His personal experiences as an immigrant and his visits to Afghanistan have deeply influenced his views and his writing. He has worked with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as a goodwill envoy and has been actively involved in humanitarian efforts through the Khaled Hosseini Foundation.

Khaled Hosseini Books

Khaled Hosseini has authored several notable books. Here’s a list of his works:

  • The Kite Runner (2003)
  • A Thousand Splendid Suns (2007)
  • And the Mountains Echoed (2013)
  • Sea Prayer (2018)
  • The Kite Runner: Graphic Novel (2011)

He has also been involved in works like Stones Into Schools by Greg Mortenson, providing the preface, and The Patience Stone by Atiq Rahimi, writing the introduction. 

Khaled Hosseini Wife and Children

Khaled Hosseini is married to Roya Hosseini. Together, they have two children. The family resides in Northern California. Hosseini is fluent in Persian and Pashto and has described himself as a secular Muslim.

Khaled Hosseini Net Worth

Khaled Hosseini, the renowned Afghan-American novelist and physician, has an estimated net worth of $5 million.

Khaled Hosseini Social Media Handles

  • Twitter: @khaledhosseini
  • Facebook: Khaled Hosseini

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